Clutter-Me-Not! Junk Removal

Clutter-Me-Not! Junk Removal

Local Services in Charlotte, NC

Local Services Contractors

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9520 Covedale Dr,
Charlotte , NC 28270 UNITED STATES

About Clutter-Me-Not! Junk Removal

Clutter-Me-Not! Junk Removal Service is a small business with great impact, giving back to his local community, one project at a time.

We are Charlotte's Premier Junk Removal Specialist. Our services include residential junk removal, commercial junk removal, construction site clean up, home preservation, gravel grading, yard grading, back filling, swimming pool removal, dirt, gravel, mulch delivery and light demolition such as swings sets and sheds.

We are a trustworthy team, dedicated to serving with patience, kindness and determination. We understand the stress and the frustration that moving and change can bring, which is why we show up on time, motivated, and prepared to stay until the job is complete. We believe in working with excellence and we are moved by the passion that we witness from the lives of our clients. It is their drive and their motivation that reminds us of and excites us about what we are doing.

We offer competitive, reasonably priced rates and we strive to provide quick turnarounds. We know that who we are is shown by what we do, and we hope that you will see just that as you entrust your needs to us. We look forward to serving you!


Clutter-Me-Not! Junk Removal 888-572-5865
9520 Covedale Dr,
Charlotte , NC 28270 UNITED STATES
Clutter-Me-Not! Junk Removal

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Clutter-Me-Not! Junk Removal
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junk removal,  pool removal,  home preservation garbage removal
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Clutter-Me-Not! Junk Removal

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