Mike's Taxidermy of Southern Ohio

Mike's Taxidermy of Southern Ohio

Business To Business in Hamilton, OH

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2831 Hamilton Mason Rd,
Hamilton , OH 45011-53 UNITED STATES

About Mike's Taxidermy of Southern Ohio

"The art of taxidermy has a long and celebrated history. Today, this special craft remains a unique way to honor and preserve animals. At Mike's Taxidermy of Southern Ohio, located in the heart of Hamilton, OH, they specialize in providing beautiful taxidermy services. Whether you're interested in preserving the memory of a treasured pet or honoring a rabbit or deer from your latest hunting trip, this taxidermy shop can make your vision a reality.

At Mike's Taxidermy of Southern Ohio, they can prepare, stuff, and mount just about any animal. Their taxidermist is professionally trained in this highly specialized skill and can handle creatures both large and small, everything from squirrels to full grown bucks. The end result will be lifelike and completely mesmerizing to every beholder.

Most importantly, Mike's Taxidermy of Southern Ohio believes in top-notch customers service. From your first phone call to learn about their services to the final product, you'll be met with professionalism and a deep commitment to creating a piece of taxidermy art you'll be proud to hang on your wall or display in your living spaces.

If you live in the Greater Hamiltonarea and you're looking for a local taxidermy shop to professionally preserve a beloved pet or a beautiful hunting trophy, call Mike's Taxidermy of Southern Ohio today at (513) 708-9615 to talk about your options. To find out more about this trusted taxidermist and how they give animals a unique second life with respect and honor, check out their website. You can also connect with the company on Facebook."


Mike's Taxidermy of Southern Ohio 513-708-9615
2831 Hamilton Mason Rd,
Hamilton , OH 45011-53 UNITED STATES
Mike's Taxidermy of Southern Ohio

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Mike's Taxidermy of Southern Ohio
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Mike's Taxidermy of Southern Ohio

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