Ambitious One Fitness

Ambitious One Fitness

Fitness & Instruction in New York, NY

Fitness & Instruction Counseling & Mental Health

Contact us


316 W 142nd St, #3W
New York , NY 10030 UNITED STATES

About Ambitious One Fitness

My personal guarantee is that every client will have an exceptional fitness experience designed to help him/her reach his/her goals in a safe, effective, and transformative manner.

My goal is to inspire my clients to permanently change their lives by adopting a fitness centered lifestyle. Clients are trained in proper technical technique and educated on the functionality of their movements and its connection to the rest of the body.

About 75% of my clients are long-term or return clients which is a reflection of my commitment to achieving their goals with minimum risk and maximum results.

Together we set realistic goals, consistently measure progress based on the client’s custom profile and ensure long-term transformation through motivational approaches including positive reaffirmation, visualization, and comedic energy.

My specialties are program coordination, weight management, body toning, pre & post natal care, strength conditioning and aerobic workout


Ambitious One Fitness 347-605-3612
316 W 142nd St, #3W
New York , NY 10030 UNITED STATES
Ambitious One Fitness

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Ambitious One Fitness
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Ambitious One Fitness

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