TEC Well Service, LLC.

TEC Well Service, LLC.

Contractors in Odessa, TX

Contractors Construction & Repair

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1390 I-20,
Odessa , TX 79763 UNITED STATES

About TEC Well Service, LLC.

TEC Well Service provides pulling units and workover equipment for rod & tubing, workovers, completions and 24 hour drill out operations. We can provide custom packages and pricing for most all well servicing needs. TEC Well Service started in 1978 to work on owner’s wells, and still views business from an operator’s perspective. We recognize that a rig contractor comes to location to safely solve problems efficiently and cost effectively.

TEC Well Service also ensures that each employee has a safe working environment, is treated with respect, and is provided with fair wages and benefits.

Our available workover equipment includes reverse units, 5K and 10K mud pumps, mud tanks, power swivels, laydown machines, pipe racks, forklifts, rig mats, base beams, and drill collars. We also provide well control services with 5K hydraulic BOPs, closing units, TIW valves, BIW and Washington rotating heads, and crossovers. Other services provided include swab rigs, 10k pump truck services, and our own haul truck services.


TEC Well Service, LLC. 432-333-1111
1390 I-20,
Odessa , TX 79763 UNITED STATES
TEC Well Service, LLC.

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TEC Well Service, LLC.
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tec well service llc.,  pulling units,  well servicing well completions
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TEC Well Service, LLC.

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