Gearty & Skiles Counseling

Gearty & Skiles Counseling

Counseling & Mental Health in Lancaster, PA

Counseling & Mental Health Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

Contact us


321 N. Market Street,
Lancaster , PA 17603 UNITED STATES

About Gearty & Skiles Counseling

We were founded in the early 1980's and have continuously provided addictions treatment since that time, making us the longest running addictions treatment center in Lancaster County. Gearty and Skiles Counseling has offices in Downtown Lancaster and in Ephrata. We are licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs. Click Here to learn about our executive team.

Addiction is a diagnosable and treatable medical condition. Our clients are given the same respect as anyone deserves when seeking medical treatment or evaluation.

Our staff regularly attend trainings to remain informed about the latest advances in addictions treatment and evaluation. We employee several clinical staff that possess a master's degree, and in addition to educational credentials, many of our clinicians also possess additional certifications or professional licenses


Gearty & Skiles Counseling 717-394-5334
321 N. Market Street,
Lancaster , PA 17603 UNITED STATES
Gearty & Skiles Counseling

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Gearty & Skiles Counseling
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Gearty & Skiles Counseling

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