Michael H Mulkey, DMD

Michael H Mulkey, DMD

Dentists in Marietta, GA


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3951 Mary Eliza Trace NW, #200
Marietta , GA 30064 UNITED STATES

About Michael H Mulkey, DMD

Dr. Michael Mulkey provides personalized dental care at Lost Mountain Dental for children and adults in a friendly, comfortable dental environment. Dr. Mulkey and our dedicated dental care staff are committed to achieving the best dental results for your specific oral health needs. From routine dental care to advanced treatment options for missing teeth and gum disease, we can meet all of your dental health goals in our family dentist office near you.


Michael H Mulkey, DMD 770-425-4001
3951 Mary Eliza Trace NW, #200
Marietta , GA 30064 UNITED STATES
Michael H Mulkey, DMD

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Michael H Mulkey, DMD

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