Outrage Athletics

Outrage Athletics

Gyms and Fitness in Lafayette, LA

Gyms and Fitness Fitness & Instruction

Contact us


116 Luke Street,
Lafayette , LA 70506 UNITED STATES

About Outrage Athletics


Do you feel like you look your best? Do you wish you were in better shape? Are you ready to make a difference in your overall health? Outrage Athletics invites you to join our gym so you can find a pathway to better fitness.

Our CrossFit-based gym is all-encompassing so you can participate in a workout that’s appropriate for your fitness level. We want to challenge and motivate you to reach your fitness goals. Visit Outrage Athletics today to learn about our group fitness classes and personal training in Lafayette, LA.


Outrage Athletics 337-277-1600
116 Luke Street,
Lafayette , LA 70506 UNITED STATES
Outrage Athletics 5

Based on 3 reviews

Outrage Athletics 337-277-1600
116 Luke Street,
Lafayette , LA 70506 UNITED STATES
5 5

I have been working out with Outrage Athletics for 3 months, i needed to change my lifestyle to be healthy not only for myself but also learn healthy habits for my son. It goes way past just working out at the gym. Outrage Athletics goes above and beyond, from motivation while working out to been there for you at 10:30 pm when the snacks seem so very tempting. I work out 3 times a week, but get 7 days a week support! 22 pounds down, and still going strong.
posted at 02/23/17
Outrage Athletics 337-277-1600
116 Luke Street,
Lafayette , LA 70506 UNITED STATES
5 5

Outrage Athletics is personable and has a lot of integrity. Having worked with other personal trainers, I can say that Outrage Athletics is one of the best.
posted at 02/21/17
Outrage Athletics 337-277-1600
116 Luke Street,
Lafayette , LA 70506 UNITED STATES
5 5

Outrage Athletics is amazing! Really understands the body & how it works and knows how to work it. Achieved amazing results with him in 6 weeks. He really pushes you without being intimidating and always keeps it interesting.
posted at 02/21/17

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Outrage Athletics
Gyms and Fitness
5.0 (3 reviews)
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Outrage Athletics

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