Home Services in Lithia, FL
Home Services
Lithia ,
CJ Painting Pro is a painting company based in Lithia, FL, 33547, which provides quality painting service in a wide area around it. We specialize in residential, house painting. Call (813) 210-8334 now for a free estimate.
Interior Painting, Exterior Painting, House Painting, Residential Painting, Wood Staining, Deck Staining, Door Staining, Floor Staining, Power Washing, Epoxy Flooring
Painter, Painting, Painting Service, Painting Contractor, Painting Company
Fish Hawk, 33547;Keysville, 33547; Balm, 33598; Bloomingdale, 33596; Bradley Junction, 33860
Residential Painting , other services : Power Wash , Epoxy floors , Staining doors and cabinets
Based on 1 reviews
It is rare to see such professionalism these days. The guys from CJ Painting Pro showed up on time, completed when they said they would, the techs were knowledgeable and friendly, not to mention they even cleaned up after themselves, absolutely amazing.
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