Back To Genesis Chiropractic Dr. Deborah Little

Back To Genesis Chiropractic Dr. Deborah Little

Chiropractors in Marietta, GA


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3812 Austell Rd ,
Marietta , GA 30008 UNITED STATES

About Back To Genesis Chiropractic Dr. Deborah Little

Serving the Cobb area since 2006, we staff chriporactors that work to improve the spine not necessarily because it's the source of neck and back pain, but because it house and protects the spinal cord and nervous system. Back to Genesis offering a results-oriented range of services including our Spinal Adjustment, Physiotherapy, Manual muscle therapy, Machines, Modalities, Electr-therapy and more.Back to Genesis Chiropractic have extensive training and experience in these specialized treatments, and a caring staff.


Back To Genesis Chiropractic Dr. Deborah Little 678-905-0799
3812 Austell Rd ,
Marietta , GA 30008 UNITED STATES
Back To Genesis Chiropractic Dr. Deborah Little 5

Based on 1 reviews

Back To Genesis Chiropractic Dr. Deborah Little 678-905-0799
3812 Austell Rd ,
Marietta , GA 30008 UNITED STATES
5 5

I had chronic back and hip pain which injections did not help. When I started seeing Dr Little I needed assistance with sitting,standing,walking etc until I had a MUA. With the first MUA treatment I saw major improvement that 3 previous doctors could not achieve.By my third MUA treatment I feel like my life had been given back to me! Dr Little and her staff are amazing! You will not meet a more caring doctor! I will forever be grateful to Dr Little and her staff
posted at 09/16/12

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Back To Genesis Chiropractic Dr. Deborah Little
5.0 (1 reviews)
spinal adjustment,  back pain physiotherapy,  electro-therapy chronic back pain
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Back To Genesis Chiropractic Dr. Deborah Little

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