Dr. Myra Sargent Chiropractic Specialist

Dr. Myra Sargent Chiropractic Specialist

Chiropractors in East Point, GA


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1380 Cleveland,
East Point , GA 30344 UNITED STATES

About Dr. Myra Sargent Chiropractic Specialist

Dr. Myra Sargent Chiropractic Specialist is a Chiropractic Clinicand Chiropractorfacility at Eastpoint, GA. We can treat any work related injury such as auto accidents, slip and fall, chiropractic, motorcycle accidents, pedestrian accidents or any personal injuries. These injuries usually result to back pain, sciatica, neck pain, shoulder pain or headaches. We use physical therapy to remedy or cure some residential and commercial related injuries. Homeowners experiencing pain or any discomfort from lifestyle or degenerative condition can be treated just as easily as any minor injuries. Relieve the pain, make an appointment now.


Dr. Myra Sargent Chiropractic Specialist 678-428-2650
1380 Cleveland,
East Point , GA 30344 UNITED STATES
Dr. Myra Sargent Chiropractic Specialist

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Dr. Myra Sargent Chiropractic Specialist
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Dr. Myra Sargent Chiropractic Specialist

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