Freestyle Pool & Spa

Freestyle Pool & Spa

Swimming Pool Supplies in Phoenix, AZ

Swimming Pool Supplies

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Phoenix , AZ 85008 UNITED STATES

About Freestyle Pool & Spa

Freestyle Pool & Spa provides high quality pool cleaning service in Phoenix,AZ and surrounding areas. Customer satisfaction is a must!
Affordable Pool Cleaning Service, Local Swimming Pool Cleaning Company, Reliable Pool Repair Company, Residential Swimming Pool service, Local Swimming Pool Repair,
Pool Cleaning Service, Pool Service and Repairs, Swimming Pool Cleaning, Affordable Pool Service, Swimming Pool Equipment


Freestyle Pool & Spa 602-465-7867
Phoenix , AZ 85008 UNITED STATES
Freestyle Pool & Spa 4.5

Based on 2 reviews

Freestyle Pool & Spa 602-465-7867
Phoenix , AZ 85008 UNITED STATES
4 5

Awesome service hassle free you know your pool has always got the right amount of chemicals in it to stay crystal clear all the time. Highly recommend this service and it works out a lot cheaper than buying the chemicals yourself.
posted at 05/16/17
Freestyle Pool & Spa 602-465-7867
Phoenix , AZ 85008 UNITED STATES
5 5

As a young professional that doesn’t want to spend anytime dealing with my pool, this service is the best. I really appreciate all the pool maintenance work being done on such short notice and will certainly recommend you guys in the future.
posted at 03/03/17

Detail information

Company name
Freestyle Pool & Spa
Swimming Pool Supplies
4.5 (2 reviews)
pool cleaning service
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Freestyle Pool & Spa

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