Murrieta Auto Collision

Murrieta Auto Collision

Automotive in Murrieta, CA

Automotive Auto Repair Auto Glass

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41218 Nick Ln,
Murrieta , CA 92562 UNITED STATES

About Murrieta Auto Collision

If you are looking for a reliable and trustworthy auto body shop to repair your vehicle after an accident then our collision shop is the place for you. Our lifetime warranty guarantees the work we do will be done right the first time and is built to last. We know with our state of the art equipment, excellent customer service and attention to detail we can get the job done to your satisfaction. We can handle any job no matter how big or small, from scratches to major repairs, on any type of vehicle from classic cars to your daily driver. Some of our services include collision repair, mechanical and electrical repair, paint refinishing, paint-less dent repair and windshield replacement. We are willing to work with any insurance claims and offer partial repairs to fit any budget. Bring your car in for a free estimate today!


Murrieta Auto Collision 951-698-6047
41218 Nick Ln,
Murrieta , CA 92562 UNITED STATES
Murrieta Auto Collision 5

Based on 1 reviews

Murrieta Auto Collision 951-698-6047
41218 Nick Ln,
Murrieta , CA 92562 UNITED STATES
5 5

The best work and service ive ever gotten

It's seriously the best work done i have ever seen. The best customer service and the office is inviting, friendly, and clean. My car had major front end damage, and when i got it back it looked like it was comming off the lot again. I...
posted at 03/30/10

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Murrieta Auto Collision
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