Mints Medical

Mints Medical

Beauty & Spas in Chicago, IL

Beauty & Spas

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5011 N Lincoln Ave, 2nd Floor
Chicago , IL 60625 UNITED STATES

About Mints Medical

We are the sought-after medical practice in the Chicago area which provides non-surgical, minimally invasive treatments for a number of vascular and non-vascular conditions. Our physicians have well over 20 years of dedicated experience. We have several locations around the Chicago, IL area. We provide patients with minimally invasive treatment options for a wide variety of conditions including varicose veins, peripheral arterial disease, liposuction, back and joint pain, Botox, fillers, face-lift, fat transfer, dermal fillers, and non-surgical breast enhancement in Franklin Park, Illinois. Vascular Interventions: Vascular system consist of arteries that carry blood from the heart to the body and veins that bring it back. Arteries and veins are effected by different set of problems. Pain Management Services Many people suffer excruciating pain, which can occur as a result of various conditions including arthritis, osteoporosis and sciatica. Whether you suffer from back pain, neck pain, herniated discs, spine conditions, nerve problems or other painful conditions, our pain management specialists can diagnose the source of your pain and provide effective pain relief with the aid of state-of-the-art technology and minimally invasive procedures. Our cosmetic procedures include: Face Lift Botox Fillers Lip Augmentation Neck Lift Thread Lift Liposuction Body Sculpting Fat Transfer Non-surgical Breast Augmentation Brazilian Butt Gluteal Augmentation and more.


Mints Medical 844-646-8763
5011 N Lincoln Ave, 2nd Floor
Chicago , IL 60625 UNITED STATES
Mints Medical

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