

Health and Medical in South Salt Lake City, Utah

Health and Medical Pharmacies and Drugstores


53 West Truman Avenue, South Salt Lake City, UT 84115,
South Salt Lake City , Utah 84115 UNITED STATES

About Uslegitcannabisdispensary

Buy research chemicals online such as , methylone , dibutylone crystal , U 47700 powder , etizolam , diclaazepam , diazepam and others marijuana ,ethylone.

We are best vendor for synthetic cannabinoids and we have been providing quality, cheap research chemicals all over the world.

We have a wide range of products including as marijuana ,ethylone , methylone , dibutylone crystal , U 47700 powder , etizolam , diclaazepam , diazepam and others.

research chemicals in all different amounts ranging from 10g to 1kg retail and also large amounts at wholesale prices .Unlike most dispensaries, we ship anywhere in the United States, Europe, Asia And World Wide. We offer a number of different anonymous cash payment options like Western Union, MoneyGram and Bitcoins.



Uslegitcannabisdispensary 720-522-3978
53 West Truman Avenue, South Salt Lake City, UT 84115,
South Salt Lake City , Utah 84115 UNITED STATES
Uslegitcannabisdispensary 5

Based on 2 reviews

Uslegitcannabisdispensary 720-522-3978
53 West Truman Avenue, South Salt Lake City, UT 84115,
South Salt Lake City , Utah 84115 UNITED STATES
5 5

Buy Methylone Crystals methylone crystals pink methylone crystals methylone crystals for sale buy methylone crystals pure white crystal methylone order methylone crystal online methylone crystal for sale in California Formula:C11H13NО3 CAS number of substance:186028-79-5 Molar mass of the substance:207,23 g/mol purity of the preparation:98% and more Full chemical name:(±)-2-methylamino-1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)propan-1-one Other names:M1, 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylcathinone, bk-MDMA, Methylonee VISIT WEBSITE ....
posted at 10/10/19
Uslegitcannabisdispensary 720-522-3978
53 West Truman Avenue, South Salt Lake City, UT 84115,
South Salt Lake City , Utah 84115 UNITED STATES
5 5

This is an online drugstore.Medications are shipped quickly and discreetly to your door step.No prescription is needed. You can visit our website for more information on : Text or Call: 720-522-3978
posted at 01/25/17

Detail information

Company name
Health and Medical
5.0 (2 reviews)
drug store,  medical research,  legal research service pharmacy
Claimed by Owner


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