Beaumont Auto Repair Specialist

Beaumont Auto Repair Specialist

Auto Repair in Beaumont, CA

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations

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1100 E Sixth st. #B,
Beaumont , CA 92223 UNITED STATES

About Beaumont Auto Repair Specialist

Former Marine and local business man , I want to give the community of Beaumont a great local place to have their vehicles serviced and repaired . come join our family you will not be disappointed. we provide full service Auto Repair , transmissions Repair service , oil changes , brake repair , engine repair , A/C Repair , Suspension , shocks , Auto Repair in Beaumont ,


Beaumont Auto Repair Specialist 951-845-4673
1100 E Sixth st. #B,
Beaumont , CA 92223 UNITED STATES
Beaumont Auto Repair Specialist 4

Based on 13 reviews

Beaumont Auto Repair Specialist 951-845-4673
1100 E Sixth st. #B,
Beaumont , CA 92223 UNITED STATES
4 5


Are you kidding me!!!! Glens dad (Ralph) is rolling over in his grave because Glen and Dustin are pissing all over his grave. Glen and Dustin are nothing but rip offs. They are working out of an old antiquated shack and they do not have...
posted at 06/15/11
Beaumont Auto Repair Specialist 951-845-4673
1100 E Sixth st. #B,
Beaumont , CA 92223 UNITED STATES
4 5


Bud's Automotive has been open in Beaumont for a very long time providing quality repairs to customers. I know because I have used Bud's for all of my repairs and service for over 6 years. In this rec...
posted at 03/16/11
Beaumont Auto Repair Specialist 951-845-4673
1100 E Sixth st. #B,
Beaumont , CA 92223 UNITED STATES
4 5

could not ask for a better place

Could not ask for a better place to get service done on your car. I been coming here many years and have referred them to many people no one has ever made a complaint. Come here if you want a good job...
posted at 02/22/11
Beaumont Auto Repair Specialist 951-845-4673
1100 E Sixth st. #B,
Beaumont , CA 92223 UNITED STATES
4 5

very nice people

Brought my car in to have it worked on it had a funny noise coming from the front left by the tire. They fixed it and it didn't cost that much. Very nice people .
posted at 02/24/11
Beaumont Auto Repair Specialist 951-845-4673
1100 E Sixth st. #B,
Beaumont , CA 92223 UNITED STATES
1 5

Ripped off for poor work

Bud's replaced my radiator for $1,100.00.It continues to leak ! When I called Bud's I was told their mechanic was actually a tire guy and did the best he could.I complained that at $89.00 an hour and charging me $1,100.00 I should of had...
posted at 12/03/10
Beaumont Auto Repair Specialist 951-845-4673
1100 E Sixth st. #B,
Beaumont , CA 92223 UNITED STATES
1 5

Ripped off at Buds Automotive

Do you feel you have been ripped off at Buds Automotive. Well I have. I took my truck in for a check engine lamp on. I got an a call from Glen he told me he needs to replace intake manifold gasket for 1000.00$.. I give him the ok. I pick...
posted at 05/28/10
Beaumont Auto Repair Specialist 951-845-4673
1100 E Sixth st. #B,
Beaumont , CA 92223 UNITED STATES
4 5

Very happy with Bud's

Bud's Automotive has been open in Beaumont for a very long time providing quality repairs to customers. I know because I have used Bud's for all of my repairs and service for over 6 years. I saw the poor reviews here and wondered what was...
posted at 10/13/10
Beaumont Auto Repair Specialist 951-845-4673
1100 E Sixth st. #B,
Beaumont , CA 92223 UNITED STATES
5 5

Bud's Automotive Ctr is the first truly honest shop

yes i have been going to Buds auto for around 6 years now Ralph was the most honest man I have ever meet. I was filled with sorrow when he had passed. I was very worried about who was going to run the place. Then it was like a blessing....
posted at 01/02/10
Beaumont Auto Repair Specialist 951-845-4673
1100 E Sixth st. #B,
Beaumont , CA 92223 UNITED STATES
5 5


Bud's Automotive has been open in Beaumont for a very long time providing quality repairs to customers. I know because I have used Bud's for all of my repairs and service for over 6 years. In this recession we have seen a lot of...
posted at 03/16/11
Beaumont Auto Repair Specialist 951-845-4673
1100 E Sixth st. #B,
Beaumont , CA 92223 UNITED STATES
5 5

very nice people

Brought my car in to have it worked on it had a funny noise coming from the front left by the tire. They fixed it and it didn't cost that much. Very nice people .
posted at 02/18/11
Beaumont Auto Repair Specialist 951-845-4673
1100 E Sixth st. #B,
Beaumont , CA 92223 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best place

I always come to Bud's for all of my automotive needs. The best place in Beaumont. I will recommend to others.
posted at 03/30/11
Beaumont Auto Repair Specialist 951-845-4673
1100 E Sixth st. #B,
Beaumont , CA 92223 UNITED STATES
5 5

could not ask for a better place

Could not ask for a better place to get service done on your car. I been coming here many years and have referred them to many people no one has ever made a complaint. Come here if you want a good job done on your car.
posted at 02/22/11
Beaumont Auto Repair Specialist 951-845-4673
1100 E Sixth st. #B,
Beaumont , CA 92223 UNITED STATES
5 5

Trust your car ot truck at Buds

Services from routine maintenance to major repairs, you can trust your car or truck to Bud's Automotive.
posted at 02/17/11

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Beaumont Auto Repair Specialist
Auto Repair
4.0 (13 reviews)
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Beaumont Auto Repair Specialist

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