Law Office of Michael Craig

Law Office of Michael Craig

Lawyers and Law Firms in Murfreesboro, TN

Lawyers and Law Firms

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120 East Main Street, Suite 210
Murfreesboro , TN 37130 UNITED STATES

About Law Office of Michael Craig

Have a say in who makes decisions for your family, who will administer your estate and more with a will and trust created by the Law Office of Michael Craig. We’ve helped numerous Murfreesboro, TN residents put their wishes on paper with personalized estate planning services.

Estate planning and probate processes are confusing matters. From Guardianship designations to Health Care Powers of Attorney, there are many documents you can include in your Estate Plan. Know the forms you need, and the ones you can skip, with guidance from the Law Office of Michael Craig.


Law Office of Michael Craig 615-713-2700
120 East Main Street, Suite 210
Murfreesboro , TN 37130 UNITED STATES
Law Office of Michael Craig

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Law Office of Michael Craig

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