Pickering's Auto Service

Pickering's Auto Service

Auto Repair in Arvada, CO

Auto Repair

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8070 Sheridan Blvd,
Arvada , CO 80003 UNITED STATES

About Pickering's Auto Service

At Pickering's Automotive our family and team have been providing quality auto repair service in the Lakewood, Golden and Denver areas since 1976, and in Arvada and Westminster since 2010. Pickering's is a Family owned and operated NAPA AutoCare center, and your full service auto repair, service and tire facility.

Our team of qualified experts communicate with you transparently through each step of the repair process, and we recommend and preform only necessary repairs in a pressure free experience. Our ASE Master certified technicians use state of the art testing equipment and stay current by attending the latest training each year to keep all of your vehicles running like new.


Pickering's Auto Service 720-636-8777
8070 Sheridan Blvd,
Arvada , CO 80003 UNITED STATES
Pickering's Auto Service

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Pickering's Auto Service
Auto Repair
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Pickering's Auto Service

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