The Vault NJ Vehicle Storage and Transport, Inc.

The Vault NJ Vehicle Storage and Transport, Inc.

Auto Repair in Freehold, NJ

Auto Repair

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125 Halls Mill Rd - Unit #4,
Freehold , NJ 07728 UNITED STATES

About The Vault NJ Vehicle Storage and Transport, Inc.

The Vault NJ provides white-glove storage for your car, truck or motorcycle. We treat your investment as our own, offering complete valet services including transport to & from our secure, climate-controlled facility, where your car can be stored under cover and/or connected to a battery charger that you provide or purchase from us. All storage agreements include "roll-around" service to ensure fluids are cycled through the motor on a regular interval and the tires are rotated to avoid flatspotting.
In addition to providing professional storage, we also offer concierge services,such as in-house detailing, intended to pamper your prized investment or weekend toy. Submit an inquiry or call us for information about putting your investment in careful hands.


The Vault NJ Vehicle Storage and Transport, Inc. 732-861-3136
125 Halls Mill Rd - Unit #4,
Freehold , NJ 07728 UNITED STATES
The Vault NJ Vehicle Storage and Transport, Inc.

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The Vault NJ Vehicle Storage and Transport, Inc.
Auto Repair
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The Vault NJ Vehicle Storage and Transport, Inc.

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