Contractors in Marcus Hook, PA
302 Johnson Ave,
Marcus Hook ,
For faster service, you can speak to the plumber directly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (215) 334-5800 or (215) 471-7772 R & M Plumbing specializes in any kind of plumbing service that you could possibly imagine! We can thaw frozen pipes without having to dig to find them. We specialize in the routine jobs of fixing the faucet that won't stop dripping and replacing the water heater. We also specialize in non-routine cutting edge technology such as the hydrojetting of drains to clean then as well as video camera inspections of obstructions. We offer 24 hour service. We specialize in the correction of city violations and we guarantee all of our work. Contact us for the one stop plumbing service that you expect and deserve! We are a proud member of the Better Business Bureau! We accept Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Discover. Visit us on our website at To contact us, please contact our answering service at (215) 334-5800 or (215)471-7772
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