Yoga With Helena

Yoga With Helena

Yoga & Pilates Classes in Melbourne, FL

Yoga & Pilates Classes

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1401 Highland Ave,
Melbourne , FL 32935 UNITED STATES

About Yoga With Helena

Yoga With Helena is a bikram yoga studio located in Melbourne, FL. You can join a training group or make an appointment for a private yoga lesson. Started teaching in 1995. Opened studio in 1999.


Yoga With Helena 321-203-5272
1401 Highland Ave,
Melbourne , FL 32935 UNITED STATES
Yoga With Helena 5

Based on 2 reviews

Yoga With Helena 321-203-5272
1401 Highland Ave,
Melbourne , FL 32935 UNITED STATES
5 5

Training with Yoga With Helena has really improved my core strength and fitness. This has allowed me to continue with my marathon training injury free and complete the last marathon in my best time.
posted at 01/27/17
Yoga With Helena 321-203-5272
1401 Highland Ave,
Melbourne , FL 32935 UNITED STATES
5 5

Yoga With Helena is amazing! Really understands the body how it works and knows how to work it. Achieved amazing results with him in 6 weeks. He really pushes you without being intimidating and always keeps it interesting.
posted at 01/26/17

Detail information

Company name
Yoga With Helena
Yoga & Pilates Classes
5.0 (2 reviews)
personal trainer,  bikram yoga trainer,  bikram yoga instructor hot yoga trainer
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Yoga With Helena

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