Canadian Tire

Canadian Tire

Automotive in Victoria, BC

Automotive Auto Repair Tires

Contact us


3993 Cedar Hill Road ,
Victoria , BC V8N 4M9 CANADA

About Canadian Tire

Canadian Tire offers a wide selection of services and products at many locations, ranging from oil changes, tire changes and auto repair to tires, home appliances, sporting gear, tools, outdoor products and more. Canadian Tire offre une vaste gamme de services et de produits à plusieurs endroits : vidange d'huile, remplacement de pneus, réparation automobile, pneus, appareils électroménagers, matériel de sport, outils, produits de plein air et bien plus.



Canadian Tire 250-721-1125
3993 Cedar Hill Road ,
Victoria , BC V8N 4M9 CANADA
Canadian Tire

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Canadian Tire
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oil change,  canadian tire,  hardware store brakes
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Canadian Tire

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