Gee Law, PLLC

Gee Law, PLLC

Lawyers and Law Firms in Huntington Woods, MI

Lawyers and Law Firms

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10549 Hart Avenue,
Huntington Woods , MI 48070 UNITED STATES

About Gee Law, PLLC

I provide estate and business planning services with personal attention and affordability.

As an estate planner, I know that there are many ways to protect your assets and the future of your loved ones; all while preventing costly court intervention. These include documents such as trusts or even a will. Part of these initiatives also include making certain that your most valuable assets, your life and well-being, are also protected through such documents as a Durable or Medical Power of Attorney.

If you are starting a business with other investors and working capital that you have accumulated, make certain that you have a say in how it is to be utilized; including who is to be involved in the business. Properly drafted business agreements, such as partnership, member, or shareholder agreements, help investors stay on the same page with how the business is to be set up, the direction it will grow, and how it is controlled along the way.


Gee Law, PLLC 248-629-0532
10549 Hart Avenue,
Huntington Woods , MI 48070 UNITED STATES
Gee Law, PLLC

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