Fancy N Design, LLC- The Happy Shopper

Fancy N Design, LLC- The Happy Shopper

Shopping in Naples, FL

Shopping Flowers & Gifts

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116 Bears Paw Trail,
Naples , FL 34105 UNITED STATES

About Fancy N Design, LLC- The Happy Shopper

Happy Shopper™, weight 3 pounds, easy to carry like a briefcase when folded flat. Lift with one finger, yet carry a case of bottles or cans, plus bagged items, one hand free!!!!
Happy Shopper™ is natural to open and pull behind you like “carry-on luggage”, using the simple hold open / closed latch

Happy Shopper™ from the Checkout and Dry Cleaners to the car and home with ease. Large wheels, plus pulling, eases steps and curbs. Slide on its back, loaded into trunk or SUV. Bags held in place during drive. From checkout to kitchen in one smooth trip. Save time, trips, effort and aggravation, Happy Shopper™!
Happy Shopper™ features flat storage in a vehicle, even an airplane

Happy Shopper™ provides the convenience of behind a door storage
Happy Shopper™ Hitchhiker Feature carries in store, out of the way. The convenient Hitchhiker feature hooks the Happy Shopper™ onto the shopping cart, through the store, until checkout.

Happy Shopper™ a uniquely useful product, usable every Day!
Urban living, often involves walking from neighborhood stores. The amount, comfortably carried home is simply greater, easier and hassle free, walking, driving, on public transportation, using Happy Shopper™

Happy Shopper™ can slide, full, on its back, into a car or SUV, slide out loaded at destination. Bags are held by the latch feature on each hook.
If needed to retain the load, an elastic cord easily stretches from each end of the hold open / hold closed bar, Happy Shopper™
Packages and bundles from car to work and in to the conference room for that meeting. Trip reducer for your convenience, Happy Shopper™.

Happy Shopper™ utility goes way beyond groceries. The “trip to the Mall”, especially for Holiday shopping, will be greatly improved. Trips to the car to leave bags reduced or eliminated Happy Shopper™
Picnics, concerts, beach visits, tailgating and games of all sorts will be enhanced by Happy Shopper™ Stuff to the game!


Fancy N Design, LLC- The Happy Shopper 847-736-2036
116 Bears Paw Trail,
Naples , FL 34105 UNITED STATES
Fancy N Design, LLC- The Happy Shopper

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Fancy N Design, LLC- The Happy Shopper

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