Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation in Hinsdale, IL
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
12 Salt Creek Lane,
Suite 300
Hinsdale ,
A pioneer in noninvasive, non-pharmaceutical approaches to healing and restorative medicine, the Sports Medicine and Regenerative Therapeutics (SMaRT) Institute in Hinsdale, Illinois, focuses on enhancing the body’s ability to heal itself. By providing the most innovative musculoskeletal treatments to get patients back to doing what they love, this sports medicine team is committed to providing compassionate and efficient care to each patient.
Matthew Vogt, MD, and David Hunnius, DO take a holistic approach to healing, offering patients evidence-based biologic therapies as an alternative to invasive surgeries and procedures. While promoting proper nutrition and exercise routines, these doctors take a natural approach to health and wellness.
The SMaRT Institute engages in state-of-the-art stem cell and biologic therapies to bring patients the newest and most effective treatments possible. From stem cell therapies to platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments, Dr. Vogt and Dr. Hunnius restore your body’s ability to heal.
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