Beverly Hills Carpet Cleaners

Beverly Hills Carpet Cleaners

Rug and Carpet Cleaning in Beverly Hills, CA

Rug and Carpet Cleaning

Contact us


Sunset blvd,
Beverly Hills , CA 90210 UNITED STATES

About Beverly Hills Carpet Cleaners

When it comes to looking after your home, a bit of love and attention can be the perfect antidote to an aging look or a damaged feel. If you are unsure of how to manage your carpets, or they have become the resting place for some horrible grime and dirt, then it might be time to give us a call and have our Beverley Hills Carpet Cleaners experts come out to have a look.


Beverly Hills Carpet Cleaners 323-928-7991
Sunset blvd,
Beverly Hills , CA 90210 UNITED STATES
Beverly Hills Carpet Cleaners 5

Based on 1 reviews

Beverly Hills Carpet Cleaners 323-928-7991
Sunset blvd,
Beverly Hills , CA 90210 UNITED STATES
5 5

We were having family over and at the last minute I Called and spoke to Sam. He sent someone that same day and we got a really great deal on the work. I highly recommend
posted at 12/08/16

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Beverly Hills Carpet Cleaners
Rug and Carpet Cleaning
5.0 (1 reviews)
tile cleaning,  tile and grout cleaning,  carpet and upholstery cleaners water damage services
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Beverly Hills Carpet Cleaners

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