Annie's Vintage Clothing and Rarities

Annie's Vintage Clothing and Rarities

Shopping in Milwaukee, WI

Shopping Antiques Vintage Clothing

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2218 N. Farwell Ave (located inside Heidi Witz Designs),
Milwaukee , WI 53202 UNITED STATES

About Annie's Vintage Clothing and Rarities

Woman's and mens quality, designer vintage clothing, accessories, collectibles from the 1940s to the 1990s.
Annie also does professional alterations!


Annie's Vintage Clothing and Rarities 414-727-5586
2218 N. Farwell Ave (located inside Heidi Witz Designs),
Milwaukee , WI 53202 UNITED STATES
Annie's Vintage Clothing and Rarities

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Annie's Vintage Clothing and Rarities
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Annie's Vintage Clothing and Rarities

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