Donald H Bohne DDS PA

Donald H Bohne DDS PA

Dentists in Tucker, GA


Contact us


4958 Lavista Rd,
Tucker , GA 30084 UNITED STATES

About Donald H Bohne DDS PA

Welcome to the practice of Donald H Bohne DDS PA! Since 1969, our experienced dentist has provided high-quality, comprehensive dental care to our patients of all ages that covers many areas including Tucker, Georgia. We strive to create a friendly, home-like atmosphere in which you will feel comfortable and relaxed while receiving gentle, personalized treatments for your dental needs. We welcome you to contact us today to learn about our dental services and schedule your appointment with Dr. Donald Bohne. We are eager to meet you and your family!


Donald H Bohne DDS PA 770-939-6600
4958 Lavista Rd,
Tucker , GA 30084 UNITED STATES
Donald H Bohne DDS PA

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