Spedding Law Office P.S.C.

Spedding Law Office P.S.C.

Lawyers and Law Firms in Lexington, KY

Lawyers and Law Firms

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631 E. Main St,
Lexington , KY 40508 UNITED STATES

About Spedding Law Office P.S.C.

If you are looking for an attorney who will fight for your rights, call me, Christopher A. Spedding. Bad things can happen to good people, but I can help put the experience behind you so you can move on with your life. Call me today for a free consultation.
We specialize in Criminal, DUI, Arrests, Drug offenses.


Spedding Law Office P.S.C. 859-255-0050
631 E. Main St,
Lexington , KY 40508 UNITED STATES
Spedding Law Office P.S.C.

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