Auto Repair in Moreno Valley, CA
Auto Repair • Auto Parts and Accessories
22886 Alessandro Blvd,
Moreno Valley ,
Under New Ownership since September 2012
Transmission specialists. Complete car care offered by trained professionals. Family owned and operated. Services for almost every make and model. We have financing available, even for those with bad credit! Call us and let us help you with your car. We are here to help you get back on the road. Visit our web site for coupons to help you out also.
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You can find an Honest Mechanic
They replaced by radiator on my H2. Offered advice on the possible solutions (from a temp patch to replacing hoses, etc.) and the related prices. Asked what I wanted to do. Called back and kept me informed of progress. Did take two...Worldwide > United States > Moreno Valley, CA > Auto Repair