Seriously Strong Training

Seriously Strong Training

Fitness & Instruction in Tallahassee, Florida

Fitness & Instruction

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2901 E Park Ave, #1900
Tallahassee , Florida 32301 UNITED STATES

About Seriously Strong Training

Seriously Strong Training specializes in Strength Training with an emphasis in barbell exercises and technique. First and foremost, our training focuses on moving well and performing exercises correctly--strength is secondary to those crucial properties. We teach the bench press, squat, deadlift, overhead press, clean & jerk, snatch, and any other barbell exercise you can imagine. While our focus is on barbells we incorporate dumbbells, kettlebells, bodyweight and gymnastic exercises into training to ensure trainees are well-rounded.


Seriously Strong Training 850-570-6225
2901 E Park Ave, #1900
Tallahassee , Florida 32301 UNITED STATES
Seriously Strong Training

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Seriously Strong Training
Fitness & Instruction
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personal training,  personal trainer
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Seriously Strong Training

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