Boulder Hybrids

Boulder Hybrids

Auto Repair in Boulder, CO

Auto Repair

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2907 55th St Unit 7B,
Boulder , CO 80301 UNITED STATES

About Boulder Hybrids

Boulder Hybrids works on any Hybrid or EV (electric vehicle). This includes cars such as Toyota Prius, Camry Hybrid, Highlander Hybrid, RAV4 EV, Honda Insight, Civic Hybrid, Accord Hybrid, Lexus CT200h, 400h, Ford Escape Hybrid, Fusion Hybrid, Nissan Altima Hybrid, Leaf, Chevrolet Volt and the Tesla Roadster, Model S. As more Hybrids and EVs come on the market we will be happy to service and maintain them for you.We use original, aftermarket, and recycled parts depending on your vehicle requirements and your budget.Our business is based on honesty and integrity. We keep our prices fair by using recycled parts when applicable. Sorry we dont have a fancy waiting lounge or cappuccino machine. (Our unofficial waiting area is the Dunken Donuts across 28th Street). The company is locally owned by Hybrid enthusiasts. When the shop is closed our staff is out running, cycling, hiking, climbing, skiingbasically enjoying everything Boulder & Colorado has to offer.


Boulder Hybrids 303-325-7411
2907 55th St Unit 7B,
Boulder , CO 80301 UNITED STATES
Boulder Hybrids

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Boulder Hybrids
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Boulder Hybrids

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