Kern Speech Pathology

Kern Speech Pathology

Health and Medical in Lacey, WA

Health and Medical

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8606 Anderson Court NE,
Lacey , WA 98516 UNITED STATES

About Kern Speech Pathology

The incorrect placement of your tongue during at-rest, swallowing and speech can have a major impact on the whole lower face including your mouth, both upper and lower jaws, and tooth placement. Other detrimental oral habits, such as, prolonged thumb and finger sucking can be addressed by this therapy.
These results can be corrected with the cooperation of the dentist, orthodontist, physician, orofacial myologist, and speech therapist. *Scientific studies have shown treatment to be 80 -90% effective in correcting the disorder. And these corrections are retained years after the completion of therapy (Hahn & Hahn, 1992).


Kern Speech Pathology 360-763-5944
8606 Anderson Court NE,
Lacey , WA 98516 UNITED STATES
Kern Speech Pathology

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Kern Speech Pathology
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Kern Speech Pathology

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