Balance Massage

Balance Massage

Gay and Lesbian Nightclubs in Albuquerque, NM

Gay and Lesbian Nightclubs Massage Therapy Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

Contact us


423 Bell Park Circle Southeast,
Albuquerque , NM 87108 UNITED STATES

About Balance Massage

Welcome to my website! I am Mel, your friendly neighborhood Massage Therapist! I am passionate about the art of TOUCH! It is my intention to make you feel fantastic using my knowledge and skills, spa therapy treatments and intuition! Please feel free to explore and if you have any questions, contact me!


Balance Massage 505-514-6171
423 Bell Park Circle Southeast,
Albuquerque , NM 87108 UNITED STATES
Balance Massage

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Balance Massage
Gay and Lesbian Nightclubs
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Balance Massage

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