Southern Internal Medicine

Southern Internal Medicine

Doctors in Lake City, FL


Contact us


404 Northwest Hall of Fame Drive,
Lake City , FL 32055 UNITED STATES

About Southern Internal Medicine

Dr. Strauss has been practicing since 1987 and is board-certified in internal medicine and critical care. With a passion for continuing medical education in order to provide the most up-to-date care for his patients, Dr. Strauss has received the American Medical Association's Physician Recognition Award a total of seven times. He has also served as a trainer and mentor for the Medical College at the University of Florida and on numerous committees for Lake City Medical Center and Shands at Lake Shore Hospital to help improve the quality of medical care in our community. Dr. Strauss is proud to be a part of the staff at both Multi-Specialty Research Associates and Lake City Surgery Center. Dr. Strauss is actively involved in numerous research protocols on the cutting edge of modern medicine.


Southern Internal Medicine 386-719-2540
404 Northwest Hall of Fame Drive,
Lake City , FL 32055 UNITED STATES
Southern Internal Medicine

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Southern Internal Medicine
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Southern Internal Medicine

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