Chic-A-Dee Cafe

Chic-A-Dee Cafe

Restaurants in Topeka, KS


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3036 SE 6th Ave,
Topeka , KS 66607 UNITED STATES

About Chic-A-Dee Cafe

--GREAT FOOD. GREAT PLACE. GOOD HOME COOKED FOOD--Chic A Dee Cafe was opened in 1978 by James & Phyllis Knight in the Eastboro Shopping Center. In 1985 Jim & Phyllis purchased the old Pizza Hut building at 3036 SE 6th Street and moved the restaurant to that location. In 2001 the restaurant was purchased by Ken & Linda McDonald, who are the current owners. It's known for its good quality, home cooked food at reasonable, affordable prices, and its friendly down home atmosphere. Most popular items include our Chicken Fried Steaks, Whole Catfish, Fried Chicken, Steak Night, and home made pies.


Chic-A-Dee Cafe 785-233-0216
3036 SE 6th Ave,
Topeka , KS 66607 UNITED STATES
Chic-A-Dee Cafe

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Chic-A-Dee Cafe
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Chic-A-Dee Cafe

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