Ellis Chiropractic - Dr. William Ellis, D.C.

Ellis Chiropractic - Dr. William Ellis, D.C.

Chiropractors in Ardmore, OK


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2400 N Commerce St Ste 103,
Ardmore , OK 73401 UNITED STATES

About Ellis Chiropractic - Dr. William Ellis, D.C.

Ellis Chirpractic Clinic* Dr. Wm. G Ellis * This Chiropractic Clinic is like no other medical or chiropractic office. The environment at Ellis Chiropractic is one of tranquility and comfort. Decorated in calming neutrals, we do not have bright lights, stark white walls, loud machines, or stressed staff members. As soon as you enter our office, you will notice a peaceful and easy feeling in the air. He is also certified by: Soft Tissue Injury (Spinal Trama) * American Association of Spine Physicians * International Pain Control Institute of Chiropractic Acupunture & Acupressure * Kyoto Pain Control Institute * American chapter Chinese Acupunture * Neuro Emotional Techinique Independent Medical Examiner on Impariment Rating Nutritional Evaluation Back-Safe Consultant * Advanced Prodiciency Rated in Activator Method Dr. Ellis has dedicated the past 41 years of his life to treating the body. He believes that chiropractic treatment is the most sensible and effective way to treat many common health problems.


Ellis Chiropractic - Dr. William Ellis, D.C. 580-223-4858
2400 N Commerce St Ste 103,
Ardmore , OK 73401 UNITED STATES
Ellis Chiropractic - Dr. William Ellis, D.C.

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Ellis Chiropractic - Dr. William Ellis, D.C.

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