Gardening and Landscaping in Conroe, TX
Gardening and Landscaping
4 Little John Ln,
Conroe ,
Here in the greater Houston area, planting the best palm tree for your particular location can be a challenge. While our summers are hot and humid, our winters can be quite cool and every few years a hard freeze can be devastating to many palm trees. Picking the correct palm to plant is critical. Palms trees can be expensive and add value and curb apeal to the home or business. Each palm has pros and cons and knowing them can save you from costly mistakes. Also, dealing with some big box nurseries can make you feel like your buying a used car. Knowledge is a great equalizer when dealing with a sales person and can give you the confidence to plant your trees yourself. Let me share my knowledge with you and help you make the correct choice of palms and planting location so you can enjoy these botanical treasures. And I promise you will save money and heartache.
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