Senor Septic

Senor Septic

Contractors in Ontario, CA


Contact us


604 S San Antonio Ave,
Ontario , CA 91762 UNITED STATES

About Senor Septic

Septic systems problems stink! Not only are the odors embarrassing, but ignoring the problem can ruin your yard and your plumbing. We respond quickly and efficiently, preventing further damage and future repairs. From small, quick fixes to larger-scale jobs, our courteous crew has years of experience dealing with all kinds of repairs and maintenance. We don t settle for anything less than your total satisfaction. Call today and see what we can do for you.


Senor Septic 909-223-8366
604 S San Antonio Ave,
Ontario , CA 91762 UNITED STATES
Senor Septic 5

Based on 1 reviews

Senor Septic 909-223-8366
604 S San Antonio Ave,
Ontario , CA 91762 UNITED STATES
5 5

I am honored to be a client of Señor Septic Construction & Pumping so I am writing this recommendation. I was using another construction company for the same project, but when they started I knew something wasn`t right. So I went to Señor Septic Construction & Pumping and they agreed to do the job. They not only corrected the grading and home preparation mistakes left by the previous company, but they also completed the construction of our home on time!
posted at 02/15/17

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Senor Septic
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