Circlewood Baptist Church

Circlewood Baptist Church

Churches in Tuscaloosa, AL


Contact us


2201 Loop Rd,
Tuscaloosa , AL 35405 UNITED STATES

About Circlewood Baptist Church

Established in 1947, Circlewood Baptist Church offers a wide range of services, such as Sunday school, morning worship service, discipleship class and fellowship meal, to name a few. Based in Tuscaloosa, Ala., its services include evening worship service, children's choir, prayer meeting, youth Bible study and many more. The church also provides ministerial services and missions for adults, college, students as well as children, among others. Circlewood Baptist Church conducts various events including Wednesday fellowship meal.


Circlewood Baptist Church 205-553-4315
2201 Loop Rd,
Tuscaloosa , AL 35405 UNITED STATES
Circlewood Baptist Church

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Circlewood Baptist Church
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Circlewood Baptist Church

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