DAlessandro Carting and demolition

DAlessandro Carting and demolition

Contractors in Bellmore, NY


Contact us


2331 Lincoln St,
Bellmore , NY 11710 UNITED STATES

About DAlessandro Carting and demolition

Planning a big move or home renovation project, do what the pros do: get DAlessandro clean up service.
Our responsive local services include everything you need to get your life back in order.
From large dumpsters that hold all the junk in your basement to fast service for your contractors, we deliver and pick up exactly what you need, when you need it.
Best of all, because of our approach, you ll have the peace of mind knowing that your items will be recycled or disposed of responsibly by people trained to protect our shared environment.


DAlessandro Carting and demolition 516-265-8829
2331 Lincoln St,
Bellmore , NY 11710 UNITED STATES
DAlessandro Carting and demolition

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DAlessandro Carting and demolition

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