Legal Shield

Legal Shield

Lawyers and Law Firms in Maden, NC

Lawyers and Law Firms Law and Courts

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3935 Ashland Dr,
Maden , NC 28650 UNITED STATES

About Legal Shield

Now with over 4 million users, LegalShield not only provides legal services in 49 states and 4 Canadian Provinces; but also it provides confidence and peace of mind for families everywhere. For one low monthly fee our members gain access to quality law firms without having to worry about high hourly costs. Because our attorneys are all paid in advance, they provide the same level of service for trivial or traumatic legal situations.

With humble beginnings in Ada, Oklahoma, LegalShield has now grown to a 170,000-square-foot corporate office on an 80-acre campus with over 650 dedicated employees. Our leaders have decades of experience and our goal remains the same – to create a world where everyone can access legal protection and everyone can afford it.


Legal Shield 704-562-4375
3935 Ashland Dr,
Maden , NC 28650 UNITED STATES
Legal Shield

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Legal Shield
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