Ute Walschburger

Ute Walschburger

Printing and Publishing Services in Massillon, OH

Printing and Publishing Services

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8131 Bricker Rd. NW,
Massillon , OH 44646 UNITED STATES

About Ute Walschburger

En la cerrada sociedad colombiana de los años posteriores a la Segunda Guerra mundial, un prestigioso ingeniero civil alemán relata cómo reconoció su homosexualidad y la forma cómo ésta afectó en su vida. Para esto, introduce al lector en la historia de su familia, desde la Primera Guerra Mundial en Alemania, hasta los años 70s en Colombia, viviendo varias guerras y dictaduras en distintos países, narrándola a través de las cartas cruzadas con su hermana melliza y sus familiares.

Colombian society closed in the years after World War II, a prestigious German civil engineer recounts how he recognized his homosexuality and how it affected the way in your life. For this, introduces the reader to the history of his family, since World War in Germany to the 70s in Colombia, living several wars and dictatorships in different countries, narrating through the cross with her twin sister cards and their family.


Ute Walschburger 862-400-9825
8131 Bricker Rd. NW,
Massillon , OH 44646 UNITED STATES
Ute Walschburger

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Ute Walschburger
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