Carpet cleaning Pomona

Carpet cleaning Pomona

Business To Business in Pomona,

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365 West Jefferson ave,
Pomona , 91768 UNITED STATES

About Carpet cleaning Pomona

This is even more of a good reason to have your rugs cleaned as soon as it starts looking dirty. Rugs are one-of-a-kind, may be a family heirloom or an expensive rug purchased, and that means you probably don’t want to trust your rug with just anyone. Carpet Cleaning Pomona will take excellent care of Oriental rugs, area rugs, Persian rugs, handmade rugs and other types of the rug by cleaning them and restoring them back to almost new condition.


Carpet cleaning Pomona 909-512-6514
365 West Jefferson ave,
Pomona , 91768 UNITED STATES
Carpet cleaning Pomona

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Carpet cleaning Pomona
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Carpet cleaning Pomona

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