Acupuncture in Ashtabula, OH
Acupuncture • Massage Therapy • Chiropractors
1956 W Prospect Rd,
Ashtabula ,
Neck and back pain can severely hamper your everyday quality of life, but with the aid of an expert chiropractor, there’s no reason to continue suffering. DiSalvatore Chiropractic helps the residents of Ashtabula, OH, get well and stay well with reliable chiropractic and natural healthcare services. In addition to helping you find relief from pain, they can also improve your overall well-being with various therapeutic aids, from nutrition therapy to acupuncture.
Founded by Dr. Thomas DiSalvatore, an Ashtabula native, the practice is more than just a chiropractor’s office. This multidisciplinary clinic specializes in natural healthcare, with a focus on disease prevention and helping patients achieve a healthier overall lifestyle — not just a temporary fix to their ailment.
Their diverse therapeutic offerings include acupuncture, kinesiology, decompression therapy, detoxification, and laser therapy. Whether you want to address some aches and pains or are interested in losing weight, these pros can help you reach your health goals. The doctors and staff are dedicated to helping every patient feel their best with treatments that are long-lasting and uniquely suited to their needs.
Whatever treatment plan you pursue at DiSalvatore Chiropractic, you can be sure you’ll get compassionate, personalized care. One look at the testimonials from happy customers on their website leaves no doubt: the chiropractors make patient satisfaction a top priority. Ready to take the first step in improving your health and well-being? Give them a call at (440) 992-0160 to make an appointment. You can also find information for new patients online.
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