Xtreme Party Bus

Xtreme Party Bus

Local Services in Rehoboth, MA

Local Services

Contact us


71 fall river ave,
Rehoboth , MA 02769 UNITED STATES

About Xtreme Party Bus

Any party is made better when you call Xtreme Party Bus in Rehoboth, MA for your event. Xtreme Party Bus is a party bus and limo service that caters to sports events, bachelor parties, bachelorette parties, proms, and birthdays. So next time you want to make your event even better, call Xtreme Party Bus in Rehoboth, MA.


Xtreme Party Bus 508-557-1638
71 fall river ave,
Rehoboth , MA 02769 UNITED STATES
Xtreme Party Bus

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Company name
Xtreme Party Bus
Local Services
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limo service,  shuttle service,  bachelor parties sports events
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Xtreme Party Bus

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