Contractors in Albuquerque, NM
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Contractors • Appliances & Repair
9301 Indian School Rd NE,
Albuquerque ,
Energy Super Power employees have years of experience in the gas utility industry. Our expertise includes pipeline design and engineering, pipeline construction management and most importantly the management of Federal Pipeline Compliance requirements for jurisdictional pipeline owner/operators. All ESP employees have experience in instructing, evaluating and certifying gas utility personnel to perform the many tasks required for the gas troubleshooters, cathodic protection technicians and pipeline construction personnel.
From the time of its adoption in 1970 through the present, the Federal Pipeline Safety Act has experienced increasing enforcement by the state regulatory agencies mandated to inspect and evaluate master metered gas systems.
Understanding the pipeline regulations can be confusing..... Let ESP help you deal with the complexity of pipeline compliance procedures, and how they can impact your bottom line. Most importantly we can explain why maintaining a compliant gas system is so essential to controlling risk management.
Talk to us about operating your system as a for profit master metered gas utility. If for profit master meter utilities are not allowed in your area we can show you how to break even operating your master meter gas system and still save your tenants money. Using ESP to qualify your employees through an approved training, testing and evaluation program is simple and efficient.
In the event you do not want your own people to have sole responsibility to operate, test and maintain your system, ESP has qualified technicians that can do it all..... or we can work side by side with your employees.
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