Ridgeview Collision & Automotive

Ridgeview Collision & Automotive

Auto Repair in Lavonia, GA

Auto Repair

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550 Twin Branch Rd,
Lavonia , GA 30553 UNITED STATES

About Ridgeview Collision & Automotive

We understand that each customer’s restoration project begins with his own unique vision for a restored or rebuilt car. Our job is to make sure that the finished product fulfills this vision. Essential to our success is our commitment to effective communication with each of our customers on an individual basis. Once we know what our customer wants, our goal is to provide the highest quality workmanship at reasonable prices.


Ridgeview Collision & Automotive 706-201-8131
550 Twin Branch Rd,
Lavonia , GA 30553 UNITED STATES
Ridgeview Collision & Automotive 5

Based on 3 reviews

Ridgeview Collision & Automotive 706-201-8131
550 Twin Branch Rd,
Lavonia , GA 30553 UNITED STATES
5 5

I found this service one day when I drive to the shop. I had enough time and deside to go there becouse my Ford Mondeo was having a seriously prblem! They look the car, test it on the street and told me the problem is with the clutch! Expalin me to go ho home and to come next day! Allright.. when I come into the service the work was done! The bad noice was gone and the car was highway star again! Thank you!!!
posted at 11/28/16
Ridgeview Collision & Automotive 706-201-8131
550 Twin Branch Rd,
Lavonia , GA 30553 UNITED STATES
5 5

I wanted to thank you for all you have done for me and my car lately. I can always trust your judgment and experience on cars because of your relationships you have with your customers. Thank you for being such a great, reliable car repair shop and for taking car of my car as if it were your own.
posted at 11/25/16
Ridgeview Collision & Automotive 706-201-8131
550 Twin Branch Rd,
Lavonia , GA 30553 UNITED STATES
5 5

I bough my Dodge Ram 9 years ago, it was brand new then. After 7 years of almost non stop driving it was almost wrecked and after I bough a new car the old one was just left in the back yard. My son decided to bring the most of it`s best look with Ridgeview Collision & Automotive help. Now it looks nothing like 9 years old car, perfect job!
posted at 10/12/16

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Ridgeview Collision & Automotive
Auto Repair
5.0 (3 reviews)
auto restoration service,  auto repair services,  auto repair car repair
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