Sociable Kidz

Sociable Kidz

Elementary Schools in Mamaroneck, NY

Elementary Schools Middle Schools & High Schools Schools

Contact us


1600 Harrison Ave. Suite 105,
Mamaroneck , NY 10543 UNITED STATES

About Sociable Kidz

Sociable Kidz® has social skills groups for kids ages 4 to 14 as well as academic bootcamp for K-1 in reading and writing plus a Kindergarten Prep Class for Preschoolers going to K in the fall. Sociable Kidz® is taught by teachers who work in various school settings around Westchester County. The owner and director of Sociable Kidz®, Susan Hendler, has been an elementary school teacher for the past 25 years. Our mission is to take practical daily techniques we use in our classrooms and use them in our Sociable Kidz® sessions. As teachers we are constantly working on improving children's self-esteem. We work closely with the children and their families to ensure that the skills being taught are being applied.


Sociable Kidz 914-502-3295
1600 Harrison Ave. Suite 105,
Mamaroneck , NY 10543 UNITED STATES
Sociable Kidz

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Sociable Kidz
Elementary Schools
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Sociable Kidz

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