K & L Builders

K & L Builders

Contractors in San Mateo, CA


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530 Ventura Ave,
San Mateo , CA 94403 UNITED STATES

About K & L Builders

K&L Builders maintains a strong Christian ethic while holding everyone to the highest standards of integrity, bringing enjoyment and positive relationships to each project.

K&L Builders is our community’s go to organization for anyone that wants high quality construction services for their homes but don’t know where to turn for trusted services.

K&L Builders primarily reaches out to our senior population and to those people whose circumstances have made it financially difficult to maintain their home.

K&L Builders find it’s success in the development of trusted relationships, referred by friends, family, church groups, senior centers and repeat clients.

K&L strives to establish long lasting relationships with all members of the community and together realizing our neighborhoods as better places to live.

License number #974266


K & L Builders 650-454-4408
530 Ventura Ave,
San Mateo , CA 94403 UNITED STATES
K & L Builders

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