Y.E.A.G.A. Youth Empowerment And Goal Association

Y.E.A.G.A. Youth Empowerment And Goal Association

Non For Profit Organizations in Loomis, CA

Non For Profit Organizations

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3572 Colony Lane,
Loomis , CA 95650 UNITED STATES

About Y.E.A.G.A. Youth Empowerment And Goal Association

The purpose of our Non-Profit Organization is to give back to the community, that which has been taken from many families, and their children. Hope and Self-Awareness in todays society, we see the steady decline of academic achievement within the lower income families and communities. This is largely in part, due to our youth being wrongfully influenced by exterior factors that provide false hope and peddle shattered dreams. Our youth are struggling to fit in and they are just not sure of who they are, nor who they were meant to become. At Y.E.A.G.A. we help these teens find the missing element that plagues them internally: their identity. We help to teach that which cannot be taught by force none violence. We teach them to identify with-in themselves the missing component that can bring clarity as to why they do what they do, and respond in the fashion in which they respond. By giving our youth the proper tools, in which to identify; (through examples of experience and consequences) they learn to become self-aware within themselves and our communities. They learn who they are and who they were not meant to become. (High School Drop-outs, Drug Addicts, Criminal Street Gang members).


Y.E.A.G.A. Youth Empowerment And Goal Association 916-532-0696
3572 Colony Lane,
Loomis , CA 95650 UNITED STATES
Y.E.A.G.A. Youth Empowerment And Goal Association

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Y.E.A.G.A. Youth Empowerment And Goal Association
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Y.E.A.G.A. Youth Empowerment And Goal Association

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